Does Your Loved One Have Unexplained Welts, Fractures or Open Wounds?
Bruises, black eyes, broken bones, open wounds, sprains, dislocations and rope burns are all indications of physical abuse or restraint. If you notice a sudden behavior change in a loved one — such as withdrawal from normal activities or a reluctance to talk to you — it may be because he or she is being physically abused or threatened by the nursing home staff or other residents.
If you suspect your loved one is being physically or sexually abused, we can help. At TROLMAN GLASER CORLEY & LICHTMAN, P.C., our nursing home abuse attorneys help injured New Yorkers hold nursing homes and assisted living providers accountable for physical abuse and assault. For more than 50 years, we have achieved successful case results for victims of negligence and abuse. We put that knowledge and experience to work for you.
Physical Abuse in Nursing Homes
Abuse can occur in many ways. It can involve:
- Actual physical force by a nursing home staff member or volunteer, including shoving, hitting and kicking
- Hitting, biting or kicking from a fellow resident who is not properly supervised or restrained
- Extreme punishments that lead to forced isolation, deprivation of food and water, use of physical restraints that lead to broken bones or chemical restraints that lead to overmedication
- Sexual abuse, which includes inappropriate or unwanted touching, forced nudity, unwanted sexual advances, rape, sexual assault or sodomy
Signs of Physical and Sexual Abuse in Nursing Homes
Older adults who live in nursing homes often have difficulty communicating with others — especially those who are suffering from dementia. Because your loved one may not be able to clearly communicate with you, it can be hard to determine whether suspicious injuries are a result of physical abuse or sexual assault or simply occur because older adults are more fragile and susceptible to injury.Because it is hard to tell, it is important for you to look for signs of physical and sexual abuse when visiting your loved one.
Signs of physical abuse in nursing homes include tender areas, cuts, open wounds, broken bones and unexplained bruising. Signs of sexual abuse in nursing homes include bruises or unexplained bleeding near genital areas, unexplained venereal diseases or genital infections and torn or stained underclothing. Also pay close attention to your loved one’s behavior — anxiety, depression, isolation and fear of the staff are signs that he or she might be a victim of abuse. Never be afraid to consult one of our attorneys if you suspect any suspicious behavior regarding your loved one.When nursing home personnel refuse to allow you to see your loved one alone, it is a definite sign that neglect, abuse or other suspicious activity is occurring.
Experienced Lawyers
The lawyers of TROLMAN GLASER CORLEY & LICHTMAN, P.C., have been successfully handling elder abuse. We have the skill and experience to determine the necessary monetary and legal elements of compensation and to pursue a monetary award for the hardships you and your family presently face and what you may face in the future.
Contact our New York attorneys today online or by telephone at (888) 627-4274 to schedule a free consultation. If your injury prevents you from coming to our law office, we will visit you at the hospital or at your home. Se habla español.